Solid Framework SDK 10.0.12602
SDK for converting and extracting value from PDFs
Classes | |
class | BezierGraphicSegment |
A smooth curve that is defined by its start and end points and two control points or handles. A GraphicPath is a combination of linked Bezier or line segments. More... | |
class | Bookmark |
A bookmark represents a named contiguous area in a document, with both a starting position and an ending position. You can use bookmarks to mark a location in a document, or as a container for text in a document. It can be as small as just the insertion point, or it can be as large as the entire document. NOTE: A comment is considered to be a types of bookmark. More... | |
class | Borders |
Specifies the line style for the borders of a cell or section. The line style can be set independently for each border. More... | |
class | Cell |
Represents a cell within a table. More... | |
class | CellsCollection |
class | Column |
Represents a text column within a section. This class does not represent a column within a table. More... | |
class | Columns |
Represents the collection of columns More... | |
class | ColumnsCollection |
class | ExternalHyperlink |
Represents a hyperlink to an external location. More... | |
class | FillStyle |
Specifies the formatting to be used when filling an object. More... | |
class | Font |
Describes a Font object used within a document. Includes the name, and whether the font is bold and/or italic More... | |
class | GradientFill |
Represents a gradient fill. This is a fill style that changes from one color to another. NOTE: This is not currently exposed in the SDK. More... | |
class | Graphic |
Represents a Graphic in the document. A Graphic consists of a collection of GraphicPaths, each of which is made up of GraphicSegment objects. More... | |
class | GraphicPath |
class | GraphicPathsCollection |
class | GraphicSegment |
Represents a staright or curved line thatmakes up part of a GraphicPath. More... | |
class | GraphicSegmentsCollection |
class | Group |
Represents a group of shapes within the document More... | |
class | HeaderFooter |
Represents a header or footer within the document. More... | |
class | HeaderFooterBlockCollection |
class | Hyperlink |
class | ImageFill |
Represents a fill containing and image. NOTE: This is not currently exposed in the SDK. More... | |
class | ImageShape |
Represents an image within a document. More... | |
class | InternalHyperlink |
Represents a hyperlink within the document, such as bookmarks, comments and references. More... | |
class | LineStyle |
Represents the formatting for a line. More... | |
class | List |
Represents a numbered or bullet-point list within a document. More... | |
class | ListLevels |
Represents style information for a numbered or bullet-point list. More... | |
class | ListStyle |
Represents style information for a numbered or bullet-point list. More... | |
class | ListStylesCollection |
class | Margins |
class | MatrixSO |
Describes the transformation that is to applied to SolidObjects when rendering them. More... | |
class | Options |
Specifies options for the document. More... | |
class | Paragraph |
class | ParagraphsCollection |
class | ParagraphStyle |
class | ParagraphStyleTemplate |
class | Row |
Represents a row within a table. More... | |
class | RowsCollection |
class | Run |
Represents a block of text that has the same formatting More... | |
class | RunsCollection |
class | Section |
A section is a part of a document that contains its own page formatting. It can be a single page or a range of pages, or a section can comprise the entire document. Sections affect only page formatting. They are entirely unrelated to text and paragraph formatting. Sections are also used to define an area of the document that contains text columns. If you wish to change the number of columns then a new section is required. More... | |
class | Shape |
Represents an object in the drawing layer, such as an AutoShape, freeform, OLE object, ActiveX control, or picture. More... | |
class | SolidCollection |
class | SolidFill |
class | SolidObject |
class | SolidObjectsCollection |
class | Style |
class | StyleTemplate |
class | StyleTemplatesCollection |
class | Table |
class | TabStop |
class | TabStopCollection |
class | TextBox |
class | TextStyle |
class | TextStyleTemplate |
class | TOC |
Represents a Table of Contents within a document. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | Alignment { Left = 0 , Center , Right , Justified } |
Represents alignment to be used for a paragraph. More... | |
enum | BookmarkType { Nothing = 0 , Bookmark , CommentReference , BookmarkAndComment } |
Represents BookmarkType. More... | |
enum | BorderLineType { None = -1 , Default = 1 , Double = 2 , Bold = 3 , BigDashed = 4 , SmallDashed = 5 } |
Represents line type for borders and underlines. More... | |
enum | CellVerticalAlignment { Top = 0 , Centered , Bottom } |
Represents cell vertical alignment. More... | |
enum | CharacterPosition { Normal = 0 , Superscript , Subscript } |
Represents how characters should be positioned (superscript/subscript/normal). More... | |
enum | FillStyleType { Solid , Gradient , Image } |
Specifies the Type of Fillstyle. NOTE: Currently only "Solid" is supported within the SDK. More... | |
enum | GraphicSegmentType { GraphicSegment , BezierGraphicSegment } |
Gets the type of GraphicSegment, at its simplest "straight" or "curved". More... | |
enum | HorizontalAlignment { Left = 0 , Centered , Right , Offset , Justified } |
Represents horizontal alignment. More... | |
enum | HorizontalAnchoring { Margin = 0 , Page , Column , Character } |
Represents horizontal anchoring. More... | |
enum | LineCompoundType { None = 0 , Single , Double , ThickThin , ThinThick , Triple , ThinThickThin } |
Represents how a line should be drawn, e.g. single, double or triple. More... | |
enum | LineDashType { None = -1 , Solid = 0 , ShortDash = 1 , ShortDot = 2 , ShortDashDot = 3 , ShortDashDotDot = 4 , Dot = 5 , Dash = 6 , LongDash = 7 , DashDot = 8 , LongDashDot = 9 , LongDashDotDot = 10 , Custom = 11 } |
Represents the type of dash that should be used to draw a line More... | |
enum | LineSpacingType { Multiply = 0 , Exact , AtLeast } |
Represents line spacing type. More... | |
enum | ListFormat { Bullet = 0 , Decimal , LowerRoman , UpperRoman , LowerLatin , UpperLatin , DecimalZero } |
Represents formats for list styles, e.g. bullet, numeric, or Roman. More... | |
enum | OptionsType { Options , PdfOptions , ExportOptions , TxtOptions , HtmlOptions , WordOptions , ExcelOptions , PowerPointOptions } |
enum | PageNumberFormat { None = 0 , Decimal , LowerRoman , UpperRoman , LowerLatin , UpperLatin } |
Represents page number formats for page number fields. More... | |
enum | RowHeightRule { Auto = 0 , AtLeast , Exact } |
Represents how a row. More... | |
enum | SectionBreak { Continuous = 0 , NextPage = 1 , EvenPage = 2 , OddPage = 3 } |
Represents section break. More... | |
enum | SlideLayout { Undefined = 0 , TitleSlide , TitleAndContent , TitleAndTwoContent , TitleOnly , Blank } |
Represents PowerPoint slide layout type. More... | |
enum | SolidObjectType { SOT_SolidObject = 1 , SOT_TextStyle = 3 , SOT_ParagraphStyle = 4 , SOT_TableStyle = 5 , SOT_Font = 7 , SOT_Paragraph = 8 , SOT_Section = 9 , SOT_Topic = 10 , SOT_Shape = 12 , SOT_Group = 13 , SOT_Image = 14 , SOT_Graphic = 15 , SOT_TextBox = 16 , SOT_Table = 17 , SOT_Cell = 18 , SOT_Header = 19 , SOT_Footer = 20 , SOT_HeaderFooterBlock = 21 , SOT_Bookmark = 36 , SOT_PageBookmark = 37 , SOT_ListStyle = 38 , SOT_ListStylesCollection = 39 , SOT_List = 40 , SOT_InternalHyperlink = 41 , SOT_ExternalHyperlink = 42 , SOT_TableOfContents = 43 , SOT_ParagraphStylesCollection = 44 , SOT_FontsCollection = 45 , SOT_BookmarksCollection = 46 , SOT_HyperlinksCollection = 47 , SOT_ListsCollection = 48 , SOT_Hyperlink = 101 , SOT_Style = 103 , SOT_SolidCollection = 104 } |
enum | StyleType { Style , TextStyle , ParagraphStyle , ListStyle } |
enum | TabAlignment { Left = 0 , Center , Right } |
Represents tab alignment. More... | |
enum | TabLeader { None = 0 , Dot , Hyphen , Underscore , Heavy , MiddleDot } |
Represents how the space leading up to the tab should be filled. More... | |
enum | TextDirection { Horizontal = 0 , Vertical , Rotate90 , Rotate270 , RotateAsian270 } |
Represents text direction. More... | |
enum | TextType { Undetermined = 0x0000 , Empty = 0x0001 , General = 0x0002 , Numeric = 0x0004 , Currency = 0x0008 , Percentage = 0x0010 , Date = 0x0020 , Time = 0x0040 , DateTime = 0x0080 , Text = 0x0100 , AlphaNumeric = 0x0200 , EmailAddress = 0x0400 , TextLike = (General|Text|AlphaNumeric) , NumberLike = (Numeric|Currency|Percentage) , DateLike = (Date|Time|DateTime) , Unknown } |
Represents the type of object that formatted text refers to to. More... | |
enum | VerticalAlignment { Top = 0 , Centered , Bottom , Inside , Outside , Offset } |
enum | VerticalAnchoring { Margin = 0 , Page , Paragraph , Line } |
Represents vertical anchording. More... | |
enum | WrappingType { SquareBoth = 0 , SquareLeft , SquareRight , SquareLargest , TightBoth , TightLeft , TightRight , TightLargest , ThroughBoth , ThroughLeft , ThroughRight , ThroughLargest , TopBottom , Behind , Infront , Inline } |
Represents WrappingType. More... | |
Represents cell vertical alignment.
Gets the type of GraphicSegment, at its simplest "straight" or "curved".
Enumerator | |
GraphicSegment | |
BezierGraphicSegment |
Represents line spacing type.
Represents how a row.
Represents section break.