Using Solid Framework Job Processor with .NET Sample

Two versions of this sample exist: a pre-built version that lets you review the functionality, and source code allowing you to build and explore the sample as a reference implementation.

Getting the pre-built version

This sample can be downloaded and installed as-is from this link (68MB).

If you do not have a Solid PDF Tools license please contact

Building the sample from source code

The sample can be downloaded from here:

Download the SolidConverter-Jobs Processor Sample (219KB)

If you build the sample yourself, then you will require a per-machine developer license from the developer portal. (self-service).

It will not work with Solid PDF Tools unlock codes.

Building the Solid Framework JobProcessor .NET Sample from source code

  1. Create a free portal account, download the Solid Framework .NET for Windows SDK and generate a Developer SDK license
  2. Download the SolidConverter-Jobs Processor Sample (261KB). Navigate to where you have saved the sample and open the SolidConverter.sln project.
  3. Add SolidFramework.dll as a reference to the project.
  4. To build this sample as x64 (64-bit) only – download the x64 (64-bit) SolidFramework.dll or choose x64 in Solution Platforms with AnyCPU (x86 and x64) SolidFramework.dll.
  5. Right click on the project and choose Rebuild.
  6. Hit F5 to run the project.
  7. When the form loads, click on the large “Question Mark” then select Unlock.
  8. Enter in your license details from your Solid Framework license. You will then be able to use the sample to convert PDF files.

NOTE if you don’t unlock the product it will fail with a invalid license error.