Solid Framework 10.0.9452

The latest public release of Solid Framework SDK is now available for download from the developer portal at This is version 10.0.9452.


HTML Improvements

  • Prevention of duplicated text when exporting to HTML.
  • Implementation of “Windows Connected File” Feature when Exporting to HTML with Linked Images, allowing the folder containing the images to be deleted automatically if the HTML file is deleted.
  • Support renaming of constructed HTML file to an arbitrary name, without causing navigation issues.

Note that this version contains some changes in the way that files are created when exporting to HTML, which could potentially cause minor breakage to existing code.

Other Improvements

  • Add support for optionally retaining headers and footers when converting to Excel.
  • Add support for converting to Unicode Text.
  • Improved editability of some files that were previously reconstructed with text boxes.

Breaking Change

The property PdfToOfficeJobEnvelope.OcrEngine was always set to TextRecoveryEngine.SolidOCR which caused problems if the license did not support OCR.

The property has now been removed. This will cause compile time errors that can be resolved by removing any explicit reference to the property.

This affects: PdfToWordJobEnvelope, PdfToExcelJobEnvelope, PdfToPowerPointJobEnvelope, PdfToTextJobEnvelope, PdfToHtmlJobEnvelope and PdfToDataJobEnvelope.


The latest public release of Solid Framework SDK is now available for download from the developer portal at This is version 10.0.9340.


Improved OCR

  • Optical character recognition has been improved particularly with regards to the identification of list items.

Improved cell detection when exporting to Excel

This relates to some PDFs where several data items share a cell border. Previously the the data were considered to be part of a single large cell. they are now separated into distinct cells.

Improved extraction of list items that are beneath a transparent watermark

Solid Framework – 10.0.9202

The latest public release of Solid Framework SDK is now available for download from the developer portal at This is version 10.0.9202.


Bug fix when creating PDF/A files

  • Version 10.0.9182 was creating PDF/A files which included streams that were compressed twice using Flate. While technically this is within the PDF specification, it results in files that do not pass PDF/A validation when tested using some third party software. Compression is now only performed once.

Improved handling of list items that extend over a page break when exporting to HTML

  • If a paragraph that represents a list item was spread across multiple pages, then the text that was not on the initial page was moved to end of the list, rather than being considered an extension of the original item. This resulted in a bad reading order within the generated HTML. This has now been fixed.