Combine PDF Files

The code below shows you how to combine multiple PDF files into a single PDF.

It is recommended that you have already reviewed the Getting Started sample, since that includes Licensing and Framework initialization code required to make this sample run.

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using System; using System.IO; using SolidFramework.Pdf; namespace CSharp_Tutorials { public static partial class Tutorials { public static bool CombinePdfFiles(string inputFolder, string outputPath) { // Get the list of files to combine var filesToCombine = Directory.GetFiles(inputFolder, "*.pdf"); if (filesToCombine.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Could not find any pdf files to combine in " + inputFolder); return false; } Console.WriteLine("Combining PDFs from " + inputFolder + " into " + outputPath); // Create a PdfDocument and open the first PDF file using (var document = new PdfDocument(filesToCombine[0])) { document.Open(); // Add the rest of the files foreach (string path in filesToCombine) { // Create another PdfDocument and open the next file using (var nextDocument = new PdfDocument(path)) { nextDocument.Open(); // Append this PdfDocument to the first PdfDocument document.Append(nextDocument); } } // Save the combined PdfDocument document.SaveAs(outputPath, SolidFramework.Plumbing.OverwriteMode.ForceOverwrite); } Console.WriteLine("Successfully combined PDFs from " + inputFolder + " into " + outputPath); Console.WriteLine(); return true; } } }
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Imports System Imports System.IO Imports SolidFramework.Pdf Namespace VBNet_Tutorials Partial Module Tutorials Function CombinePdfFiles(ByVal inputFolder As String, ByVal outputPath As String) As Boolean ' Get the list of files to combine Dim filesToCombine As String() = Directory.GetFiles(inputFolder, "*.pdf") If filesToCombine.Length < 1 Then Console.WriteLine("Could not find any pdf files to combine in " & inputFolder) Return False End If Console.WriteLine("Combining PDFs from " & inputFolder & " into " & outputPath) ' Create a PdfDocument and open the first PDF file Using document As PdfDocument = New PdfDocument(filesToCombine(0)) document.Open() ' Add the rest of the files For Each path As String In filesToCombine ' Create another PdfDocument and open the next file Using nextDocument As PdfDocument = New PdfDocument(path) nextDocument.Open() ' Append this PdfDocument to the first PdfDocument document.Append(nextDocument) End Using Next ' Save the combined PdfDocument document.SaveAs(outputPath, SolidFramework.Plumbing.OverwriteMode.ForceOverwrite) End Using Console.WriteLine("Successfully combined PDFs from " & inputFolder & " into " & outputPath) Console.WriteLine() Return True End Function End Module End Namespace
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#include "Tutorials.h" #include <algorithm> #include "NaturalSort.h" // NaturalSort.h is used for the optional sort, it can be found in the full sample using namespace SolidFramework::Platform; using namespace SolidFramework::Pdf; bool CombinePdfFiles(const wstring & inputFolder, const wstring & outputPath) { // Get the list of files to combine vector<wstring> filesToCombine; for (const wstring & file : Directory::GetFiles(inputFolder, false)) { if (Path::GetExtension(file) == L".pdf") { filesToCombine.push_back(file); } } if (filesToCombine.empty()) { wcout << L"Could not find any pdf files to combine in " << inputFolder << endl; return false; } // Optional: Sort the list of files sort(filesToCombine.begin(), filesToCombine.end(), NaturalSort::Ascending); wcout << L"Combining PDFs from " << inputFolder << L" into " << outputPath << endl; // Create a PdfDocument and open the first PDF file auto document = make_shared<PdfDocument>(filesToCombine[0]); document->Open(); // Add the rest of the files for (auto iterator = ++filesToCombine.begin(); iterator != filesToCombine.end(); ++iterator) { // Create another PdfDocument and open the next file auto nextDocument = make_shared<PdfDocument>(*iterator); nextDocument->Open(); // Append this PdfDocument to the first PdfDocument document->Append(nextDocument); } // Save the combined PdfDocument document->SaveAs(outputPath, SolidFramework::Plumbing::OverwriteMode::ForceOverwrite); wcout << L"Successfully combined PDFs from " << inputFolder << L" into " << outputPath << endl << endl; return true; }

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